Friday 13 September 2013

Brent Fightback is calling a protest at the Civic Centre on the coming Monday (16th September) from 6.30 to protest at the proposal that Brent Council hand over the delivery of the meals on wheels service to “a range of local charities, communities and businesses”.

Currently, the meals on wheels service is outsourced. However, rather than a proposal which would cut out the profit-makers, this proposal is purely about cutting cost (by 50%). This decision will lead to cuts in quality of the meals, and pay (are the charities/community groups using unpaid volunteers?), the council's own risk assessment evaluates "Lack of market capacity leads to service users going without meals" = High!

ie. most vulnerable, elderly and sick could be left without access to meals!


Saturday 7 September 2013

Brent coach to the demonstration outside Tory Party Conference in Manchester Sunday 29th September

Book your place soon. Join us on this demonstration which was initiated by the Unison and Unite Trades Unions, is supported by the TUC, the People's Assembly and a multitude of anti-cuts groups, campaigns against the attacks on our NHS, on welfare, on people with disabilities.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Actions from Brent Fightback Meeting of September 4th

EDUCATION – Struggle at Copland continues with one third of staff new to the school this term. Consultation over academy status at Gladstone Park Primary will continue as the new term begins. RALLY FOR EDUCATION for teachers, parents, governors and pupils Saturday September 14th , Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre, Westminster 11-12.30pm NATIONAL TEACHERS’ STRIKES The London strike will be held on October 17th

DEMONSTRATION AT CIVIC CENTRE MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9TH 11.30 am . Demonstration against Barry Gardiner’s invitation to Narendra Modi to address the House of Commons organised by South Asia Solidarity and supported by IHRC, Brent Trades Council and Brent LRC. Further information:

BRENT HOUSING ACTION – Critique of Council’s housing asset management plans is being prepared. Next meeting on Tuesday evening at MIND, Willesden High Road

KENSAL RISE LIBRARY – formal consultation deadline has gone but still time to submit before Planning Committee regarding the change of use of the building and the inadequate space offered for a community library. Information on  submit views to

WEST LONDON  PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY  (SEE BELOW) We have agreed to support the meeting on Thursday September 19th 7.30pm at Polish Centre, King Street, W6 Hammersmith or Ravenscourt Park tubes.
DEMONSTRATION AT CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONFERENCE Sunday 29th September  Unite coach will leave Kilburn 7am, Willesen Green 7.15am and Wembley Park 7.30am £20 solidarity/£10 waged/£5 unwaged – returnable to Unite Community members and benefit claimants. Book your place by emailing Brent Fightback at or ring/text Sarah on 07951 084 101.
CIVIC CENTRE OFFICIAL OPENING ALTERNATIVE EVENT – Sunday October 6th 12 noon. Details to be discussed next time.